Our Vision is to be the best bank for individuals and businesses who share our values and seek a long-term financial partner.
Our daily mission is to capture the loyalty and imagination of businesses and individuals as we create financial solutions.
We believe you will enjoy a great work experience at Blue Sky Bank if you commit to the following values:
- Work hard and be the best you can be.
- Make your handshake matter.
- Be a person of high character.
- Find creative solutions to problems.
- Support the work and success of others.
Work hard and be the best you can be
We do not shy away from the challenges that come our way.
- We take pride in our work product.
- We out-hustle our competition.
- We know that hard work is a win for both the team and our customers.
Make your handshake matter
- If we say it, we do it.
- We make promises and deliver on those promises.
- We set deadlines because we have the ability to meet deadlines.
- We are not afraid of accountability because it provides an opportunity to celebrate our success.
Be a person of high character
Character counts and it is what everyone is looking for.
- We exercise high levels of self-leadership.
- We are diligent in keeping the best interests of others front of mind.
- We conduct business as professionals.
Always find creative solutions.
We see problems as opportunities for us to show just how creative we can be.
- We know that problems can be frustrating, but we have the training and skill sets to solve them.
- We know clients depend upon us to help create the best options for their success.
- We know how and when to lean on one another to come up with the best solution.
Support the work and success of others.
We are committed to helping all team members have a great work experience.
- We place a high value on healthy relationships with one another and maintaining a positive work culture.
- We believe that everyone should have an opportunity to win at work.
- We will do what is needed to ensure the best possible fit between team members’ strengths and their responsibilities.